I found a dead medium-sized moth today. It's wings so shimmery and soft. Does anyone remember the film godzilla vs mothra? it was one of the greats. (these links are to fabo posters). oh in case you've forgotten...
Mothras Special Weapons:
Gives Off Poisonous Yellow Dust
Emits Rays From Antennae
Discharges Bolts Of Lightning From Wings
Can block Godzilla's radioactive breath ray
spanish lessons
Here's a piece i put together today. The skull i drew in pencil, took a digital photo of, then colored and arranged in photoshop alongside the text. I found an old spanish grammar book at the lending library. It was on the give-away shelf. It contained wierd phrases like "I shall give it to him, provided he treats me well." um...
Heck, i feel famous. Planeta just linked my blog on their website. I'm listed under 'expats in oaxaca'.
oaxacan artists
We spent a great day out and about celebrating Ks bday. We saw great art by Oaxacan artists (panel here – showing pics of paintings- lower right is detail of a Franciso Toledo piece), went to the museum/cultural center at Santo Domingo, and saw a fantastic weaving show at Casa de la Cultura. Topped it all off with a cake (featuring day of the dead chocolate and sugar skulls) – and of course traditional birthday song.
We've been so busy of late. Went to a modern dance interpretation of the opera Carmen. Watched traditional dance at our neighborhood church (followed by fireworks - traditional dancing toro and flaming castillo). Saw Lila Downs perform a free concert at Parque Llano. Oaxaca is such a cosmopolitan city - and it's a city that loves to celebrate.
The next two photos are ones i took while on my recent trip to NC. (using my traditional camera and a roll of BW film.) The prints turned out supercontrasty- but i like the effect. In general, I have really loved my switch to digital - but miss my cool wide angle lens of my SLR... but going back to darkroom processing and all the expenses. uoof. maybe one day when i have big bucks i'll own a digital SLR.
Photography-Documenting 'reality'
Some things to ponder-
"Post-Documentary?" Essay by MarthaRosler
"...documentary .... is undergoing profound challenges from multiple sources, on social, political, and ethical grounds. Critiques of documentary have centered on questions of the image and its relationship to a phenomenologically present visual reality; denigration of its metonymic adequacy in relation to the situation it depicts; and doubt about the ability of any image of a visual field to convey lived experience, custom, tradition, or history. Postcolonial discourses have undermined the authorial voice of the photographic image, the photographer, and the cultural milieu in which the image is inserted. "
"These challenges, which radically undermine photography's claim to a unique capacity to offer direct insight into the real and to offer up structural truths about power differentials in society, have produced something of a crisis among artists and intellectuals and troubling some in journalism and the legal professions, if not others in the wider audience. "
"Post-Documentary?" Essay by MarthaRosler
"...documentary .... is undergoing profound challenges from multiple sources, on social, political, and ethical grounds. Critiques of documentary have centered on questions of the image and its relationship to a phenomenologically present visual reality; denigration of its metonymic adequacy in relation to the situation it depicts; and doubt about the ability of any image of a visual field to convey lived experience, custom, tradition, or history. Postcolonial discourses have undermined the authorial voice of the photographic image, the photographer, and the cultural milieu in which the image is inserted. "
"These challenges, which radically undermine photography's claim to a unique capacity to offer direct insight into the real and to offer up structural truths about power differentials in society, have produced something of a crisis among artists and intellectuals and troubling some in journalism and the legal professions, if not others in the wider audience. "